Driver's Education Instructors

Life. Love. Lega­cy. Mark Yes. 

Iowa Donor Net­work is pleased to pro­vide com­pli­men­ta­ry mate­ri­als to Dri­ver’s Edu­ca­tion instruc­tors in Iowa. When avail­able, IDN staff and vol­un­teers can pro­vide edu­ca­tion to your class, both in-per­son or vir­tu­al­ly. To request a speak­er, please click here. We are grate­ful for these mate­ri­als that were made pos­si­ble by the Nicole Richard­son Memo­r­i­al Fund.

If you have any ques­tions, email Anne Casey, Pub­lic Out­reach Spe­cial­ist at acasey@​iadn.​org

The Need

An aver­age of 20 peo­ple die every day due to the short­age of avail­able organ donors in the US. There are cur­rent­ly more than 112,000 Amer­i­cans wait­ing for a life-sav­ing organ trans­plant. On aver­age, a per­son is added to the organ trans­plant wait­ing list every 10 minutes. 

The Good News

The major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans have already reg­is­tered as organ, tis­sue and eye donors giv­ing hope to those in need. For many teenagers vis­it­ing a driver’s license issuance site is the first time they will be asked an adult ques­tion: Would you like your ID or dri­vers license to show you as a reg­is­tered organ donor?” Mark­ing Yes” gives legal con­sent to donate organs, tis­sues and corneas. 

Edu­ca­tion is Key

About 98 per­cent of Iowa’s reg­is­tered donors said Yes” while apply­ing for their dri­ver’s license. As dri­ver’s edu­ca­tion instruc­tors, help­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of reg­is­tered donors make an informed deci­sion is key in help­ing to bring the wait­ing list down to zero. 

Mark Yes” Dri­ver’s Edu­ca­tion Class­room Resources

These resources are intend­ed to be used by driver’s edu­ca­tion instruc­tors in the class­room and are avail­able for download.

Iowa Donor Net­work — Mark Yes Video

Iowa Donor Net­work Videos — YouTube

Mark Yes — Fact Sheet

Mark Yes — Home­work Assign­ment

Mark Yes — Les­son Plan

Mark Yes — Quiz

Mark Yes — Quiz Answer Key

Donor Reg­is­tra­tion Form

The 7 minute Mark Yes” video (below) can be streamed online.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.