Keepsakes & Memorials

Our loved ones remain in our hearts even after they are gone but some­times it is nice to have phys­i­cal reminders we can touch or look at for comfort. 
This page was cre­at­ed to offer you a few cre­ative keep­sake or memo­r­i­al ideas to help you hon­or and remem­ber those who are dear to you. The prod­ucts and busi­ness­es pre­sent­ed on this page are not endorsed by IDN.

Memo­r­i­al Gar­den Items

Place a memo­r­i­al to your loved one in your yard.

Met­al Art

Reli­gious Plaque 

Out­door Signs

Gar­den Flag

Burlap Memo­r­i­al Flag

Wind chime

Memo­r­i­al Tree Planting 

Plant a liv­ing reminder of your loved one in your own back yard or in a nation­al forest. 

Project 52  

A Liv­ing Trib­ute 

The Trees Remem­ber

Seeds of Life

Arbor Day Foun­da­tion

Trees for a Change

Jew­el­ry Pieces 

Cre­ate a spe­cial piece of jew­el­ry high­light­ing your loved one’s pho­to, name or some oth­er per­son­al­ized reminder. 

Café Press

Lega­cy Bracelets

Etsy- Memo­r­i­al Jew­el­ry


Pin­ter­est– Memo­r­i­al Jew­el­ry

Mem­o­ry Quilts

Wrap your­self in a blan­ket or quilt made from sev­er­al arti­cles of your loved one’e cloth­ing or oth­er belongings.

Quilt Keep­sake

T‑Shirt Quilts of Texas

Goose Tracks Quilts

Rhi­no Quilt­ing 

Mem­o­ry Bears

Cud­dle with a ted­dy bear or some oth­er stuffed ani­mal that is designed using your loved one’s cloth­ing or oth­er belongings.

Pin­ter­est- Mem­o­ry Bears

ReMinkie Mem­o­ry Bears & Cus­tom Keep­sakes

Car­rie Bears

Tam­my Bears

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.