Drive for Life: Emily's Legacy DMV Tour

Dri­ve for Life: Emi­ly’s Lega­cy DMV Tour

Cam­paign Overview

Join us on a jour­ney across Iowa as we embark on the Dri­ve for Life: Emi­ly’s Lega­cy DMV Tour. Led by Liz Mark­ert, this cam­paign seeks to ignite a statewide move­ment to ele­vate organ and tis­sue dona­tion aware­ness. Over the next three years, Liz will trav­el to every DMV in Iowa, car­ry­ing the inspir­ing sto­ry of her daugh­ter, Emi­ly, and her lega­cy of life. Learn how Emi­ly’s jour­ney is moti­vat­ing Iowans to reg­is­ter as donors, trans­form­ing a sto­ry of hope into a statewide call to action!

Remem­ber­ing Emily

At the heart of the Dri­ve for Life tour is the sto­ry of Emi­ly Mark­ert, a vibrant woman who trea­sured life thanks to the gift of organ dona­tion. Emi­ly, an Iowa State Uni­ver­si­ty grad­u­ate and a licensed dietit­ian, lived a life full of pur­pose and grat­i­tude. Her jour­ney was marked by courage and resilience, hav­ing received life-extend­ing lung trans­plants from her uncles, Don and Lar­ry Fitzger­ald. Despite the chal­lenges she faced, Emi­ly remained a pas­sion­ate advo­cate for organ dona­tion, under­stand­ing its pow­er to trans­form lives. Through this cam­paign, Liz Mark­ert keeps Emily’s spir­it alive, inspir­ing oth­ers to embrace the gift of life, just as Emi­ly did.

How You Can Participate

We encour­age you to vis­it your local DMV dur­ing Liz’s tour to hear Emi­ly’s sto­ry first­hand and to reg­is­ter as an organ and tis­sue donor if you haven’t already. Addi­tion­al­ly, you can sup­port the tour by spread­ing the word in your com­mu­ni­ty, shar­ing Emi­ly’s sto­ry and the impor­tance of dona­tion on social media, and engag­ing in dis­cus­sions about organ and tis­sue dona­tion with friends and fam­i­ly. Your active par­tic­i­pa­tion helps ampli­fy our mes­sage and bring us clos­er to our goal of increas­ing donor reg­is­tra­tions in Iowa. Let’s come togeth­er to make every mile of this tour count towards a future where every per­son in need receives the gift of life!

Stay Tuned for Upcom­ing Visits

Liz will kick off the cam­paign this April dur­ing Donate Life Month. We are excit­ed to share the tour sched­ule with you, detail­ing when and where she will be vis­it­ing DMVs through­out the state. Keep an eye on our web­site and social media chan­nels for reg­u­lar updates on Liz’s tour stops. Whether you’re look­ing to learn more, reg­is­ter as a donor, or just show your sup­port, we wel­come you to join us at a DMV near you.

Join the Mission

The Dri­ve for Life tour invites every­one to be a part of this impor­tant cause. As Liz trav­els across Iowa, she brings a mes­sage of hope and a call to action. By reg­is­ter­ing as organ and tis­sue donors, indi­vid­u­als can car­ry for­ward Emi­ly’s lega­cy and con­tribute to sav­ing and enhanc­ing lives.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.