Transplant Games of America

Celebrate. Compete. Commemorate.

The Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca is a mul­ti-sport event for indi­vid­u­als who have under­gone life-sav­ing trans­plant surg­eries. Com­pe­ti­tion events are open to liv­ing donors and recip­i­ents of an organ, tis­sue, cornea, and/​or bone mar­row trans­plant. More than an ath­let­ic event, the Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca high­light the crit­i­cal impor­tance of organ, eye, and tis­sue dona­tion, while cel­e­brat­ing the lives of organ donors and recipients. 

Medal Events


Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.