Frequently Asked Questions

Team Iowa Collage

Team Iowa is made up of ath­letes who are trans­plant recip­i­ents, liv­ing donors, donor fam­i­lies and dona­tion sup­port­ers who par­tic­i­pate in the Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca. Below are answers to some fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about Team Iowa and the Trans­plant Games. More infor­ma­tion about the Games can also be found on the Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca FAQs page.

Any organ trans­plant recip­i­ent age 2 – 80+ who is at least nine months post-trans­plant by the start of the Games may par­tic­i­pate. Bone mar­row, tis­sue and corneal recip­i­ents and liv­ing donors may also par­tic­i­pate. The 5K race is open to everyone.

You don’t have to be super ath­let­ic to com­pete! Recip­i­ents of all ages and ath­let­ic abil­i­ty are encour­aged to par­tic­i­pate. You can select your events depend­ing on your fit­ness lev­el and skills. This is about cel­e­brat­ing life and hon­or­ing your donor. (Please note: a med­ical waiv­er must be signed by your doc­tor to participate.)

Liv­ing donors are def­i­nite­ly wel­come at the Trans­plant Games! There is a sep­a­rate cat­e­go­ry for liv­ing donors to com­pete in ath­let­ic and non-ath­let­ic events. Addi­tion­al­ly, there will be a pro­gram to hon­or liv­ing donors and donor fam­i­lies, open to all who attend.

Donor fam­i­lies will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet oth­er donor fam­i­lies and trans­plant recip­i­ents, and par­tic­i­pate in all spe­cial events, work­shops and activ­i­ties that cel­e­brate the heart­felt act of giv­ing the Gift of Life”. There will also be an inspir­ing donor fam­i­ly pro­gram for all to attend and pay trib­ute to donors and their fam­i­lies. The Games cel­e­brate the lega­cy of both liv­ing and deceased donors.

Reg­is­tra­tion infor­ma­tion will be avail­able on the Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca web­site. Costs can vary depend­ing on your trav­el and lodg­ing pref­er­ences. Team fundrais­ing may help off­set some costs depend­ing on how much mon­ey is raised.

  • Fill out a mem­ber­ship appli­ca­tion and pro­vide infor­ma­tion to com­plete a back­ground screening.
  • Fill out an indi­vid­ual pro­file form to share your sto­ry in the Team Iowa Directory.
  • Attend all Team Iowa meetings.
  • Secure spon­sor­ship and funds for Team Iowa ($750.00 min­i­mum goal per ath­lete). Fundrais­ing pro­vides fund­ing for con­tin­u­ing the mis­sion of Team Iowa and helps off­set the costs of attend­ing the Games.
  • Vol­un­teer at Team Iowa and com­mu­ni­ty events lead­ing up to the Games. 
  • Share your per­son­al sto­ry with your com­mu­ni­ty to encour­age sup­port for dona­tion and trans­plan­ta­tion and to increase the num­ber of those who reg­is­ter as a donor.
  • Cheer on and sup­port fel­low team­mates at the Trans­plant Games!
  • For more infor­ma­tion, please see the Team Iowa Hand­book

Team Iowa is sup­port­ed by Iowa Donor Net­work, a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that trans­forms lives through organ and tis­sue dona­tion in Iowa. Tax-deductible con­tri­bu­tions can be made to Team Iowa through Iowa Donor Net­work. All con­tri­bu­tions sup­port our team’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca and Iowa Donor Net­work’s mission. 

To mail a con­tri­bu­tion to Team Iowa, please send a check made payable to Iowa Donor Net­work to the address below. If this con­tri­bu­tion is in sup­port of a Team Iowa ath­lete, please include their name with the donation. 

Iowa Donor Network
c/​o Team Iowa
550 Madi­son Avenue
North Lib­er­ty, IA 52317

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.