My Decision

The following information is intended to provide you with information on the process of donation.

If you have any questions or would like further explanation on this section, please call Iowa Donor Network at 800-831-4131.

para leer esta infor­ma­cion en ingles visi­ta www​.IowaDonor​Net​work​.org/​m​i​d​e​c​ision

I under­stand and autho­rize the fol­low­ing as indi­cat­ed by my sig­na­ture for autho­riza­tion on my donor registration.

Dona­tion requires a physi­cian’s dec­la­ra­tion of death and my deci­sion to help oth­ers through dona­tion. There is no cost to the fam­i­ly or estate for any­thing relat­ed to dona­tion. All hos­pi­tal charges unre­lat­ed to dona­tion, as well as funer­al expens­es, remain the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the fam­i­ly or estate.

The pri­va­cy and the con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of the donor and the deci­sion for dona­tion is respect­ed. Infor­ma­tion is only shared with those indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions involved in the dona­tion process; this includes hos­pi­tal and trans­plan­ta­tion staff, the funer­al provider and the med­ical examiner’s office. Copies of med­ical records, the death cer­tifi­cate, and the autop­sy report, if there is one, are obtained and reviewed.

Part of the donor eval­u­a­tion process requires trans­mis­si­ble dis­ease test­ing. These tests are per­formed to ensure the safe­ty of trans­plant recip­i­ents. Iowa laws require that pos­i­tive con­firmed tests be report­ed to the Iowa Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices. Oth­er eval­u­a­tive tests, pro­ce­dures and biop­sies may also be performed.

The place­ment of organs, eyes, and tis­sues is direct­ed by local, state, and fed­er­al guide­lines and trans­plan­ta­tion stan­dards. At times, tis­sue may be sent to help peo­ple in oth­er coun­tries. Through med­ical break­throughs, recov­ered tis­sue can be reshaped and reformed to accom­mo­date a vari­ety of trans­plant needs. Also, in order to ben­e­fit the great­est num­ber of recip­i­ents, both non­prof­it and for-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions may be involved in the process.

The work of recov­ery in the dona­tion process is per­formed with care and does not nor­mal­ly inter­fere with funer­al arrange­ments. Dona­tion includes the care­ful restora­tion of the donor. Bruis­ing and swelling are rare but can occur. For tis­sue dona­tion, the donor may be trans­port­ed to a dona­tion facil­i­ty for recov­ery pro­ce­dures. The med­ical examiner’s office deter­mines if an eval­u­a­tion or autop­sy is nec­es­sary and if any restric­tions regard­ing the dona­tion process are required. Fol­low­ing the recov­ery of anatom­i­cal gifts and the med­ical examiner’s eval­u­a­tion (if applic­a­ble), funer­al plans and/​or oth­er arrange­ments may proceed.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.