Driver's Education Materials

Driver's Education Materials

Organ and Tissue Donation Education

Ele­vate your dri­ver’s edu­ca­tion cur­ricu­lum with the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of organ and tis­sue dona­tion edu­ca­tion, sup­port­ed by the Iowa Donor Net­work (IDN). IDN proud­ly offers com­pli­men­ta­ry resources and engag­ing speak­ers to equip instruc­tors in shap­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of informed donors. Join us in empow­er­ing stu­dents to make a life-sav­ing dif­fer­ence with their dri­ver’s licens­es. Access our exclu­sive class­room resources below

Educational Materials

Explore our robust col­lec­tion of print mate­ri­als tai­lored to enrich your dri­ver’s edu­ca­tion cur­ricu­lum. Dive into a com­pre­hen­sive les­son plan guide, fos­ter mean­ing­ful dis­cus­sions with our dis­cus­sion guide, test knowl­edge with a pop quiz and answer key, and delve into essen­tial facts about organ, eye, and tis­sue dona­tion. With options to down­load and print or share elec­tron­i­cal­ly, our resources pro­vide instruc­tors with the essen­tial tools to edu­cate and engage stu­dents effectively.

Pow­er­Point Presentation

Les­son Plan Guide

Dis­cus­sion Guide 

Fact Sheets

Pop Quiz & Answer Key

Educational Videos

Dis­cov­er the inspir­ing jour­neys of Gil and Chole, real high school stu­dents from Iowa, whose lives were for­ev­er changed by organ dona­tion in our cap­ti­vat­ing video series. Delve into the heart of dona­tion with our How Dona­tion Works” videos, offer­ing a com­pre­hen­sive look at organ, eye, and tis­sue dona­tion and empow­er­ing stu­dents to make a dif­fer­ence by becom­ing donors. 

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.