Let’s Inspire Iowa to Donate Life!

Each April, dur­ing Nation­al Donate Life Month, Iowa Donor Net­work part­ners with our vol­un­teers to increase aware­ness about organ and tis­sue dona­tion so we may inspire more Iowans to reg­is­ter YES to becom­ing organ, tis­sue and eye donors. 

Join us and help Iowa Donor Net­work achieve our vision that ​all are inspired to donate life.

Impor­tant Organ Dona­tion Aware­ness Days

Donate Life Liv­ing Donor Day is April 62024

Blue & Green Spir­it Week starts April 82024

Nation­al Donate Life Blue & Green Day is Fri­day, April 122024

Nation­al Pedi­atric Trans­plant Week is April 21 – 272024

Donate Life Month Toolkit

Our part­ners at Donate Life Amer­i­ca have pro­vid­ed posters, social media posts, and every­thing you need to inspire Iowa to Donate Life this April. The toolk­it also has resources avail­able in Spanish.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.