My story began in 1998 when I was first diagnosed with a viral infection of the heart. Doctors put in an internal pacemaker, which worked OK until it went off and shocked me. Over the years, my heart muscle got weaker and weaker when on December 12/18/2014, I was implanted with an LVAD and placed on the transplant list. My brother, Dave, was also getting an LVAD at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, and that’s where we met Dan Button and his wife Shari. We all became friends. Waiting for a heart transplant was the longest three years of my life. My wife saved my life more than once. She had the opportunity to work from home so she could help take care of me. I owe her a lot and will never forget everything she did for me. Dan eventually gave me a small tin man figurine while I waited and said, “It’s your turn for a heart”. It took some time, but I got one! I received my gift on 12/19/2018 and have been doing great since. I then gave the tin man to Mike Meredith who I met in a LVAD support group. Mike did receive his gift in May of 2018. I would like to thank Iowa Donor Network and our donor’s family that we hope to someday meet. Thank you for everything.
-- Jerry Jones, Heart Recipient