Austin Goodrich

Austin M. Goodrich our 2nd born was born a sweet natured boy! Austin looked up to his older brother and wanted to follow in his every footstep, Austin was so happy to be a big brother when his little brother was born! Austin was always curious and wanted to know how things worked - he wouldn't think twice about taking something apart to figure out how it worked and then put it back together again. 3 boys we loved having 3 boys! BROTHERS! Austin loved being outdoors where he would continue to grow his mind and learn all he could there. Camping, fishing, & exploring as he grew up he loved to kayak and even started to snowmobile. 

Watching Austin fish was like watching an artist paint. He would take in his surroundings and see where he wanted to cast before just throwing the line out. Austin could spend hours on the river looking for the perfect agate. Austin always brought the good vibes to any situation and could light up a room with just his smile! He didn't judge others and never did anything just to impress someone! 

At the young age of 21 Austin was in an accident where he received trauma to his head, due to the nature of his injuries Austin was able to donate his corneas, heart, both kidneys, liver, pancreas, and helped over 150 others with tissue and bone grafts. Austin's lungs went to cystic fibrosis research. Although we are deeply saddened to have Austin leave us here on earth, we are so incredibly proud of him for choosing to be an organ donor! He lives on through others!

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.