
Iowa Donor Registry

Register now to save lives as an organ, eye, & tissue donor

If you are an Iowa res­i­dent, please fill out the form below to reg­is­ter as an organ, eye, and tis­sue donor. By reg­is­ter­ing as a donor you autho­rize your organs, eyes, and tis­sues to be donat­ed at the time of your death. Organs, eyes, and tis­sues will be recov­ered for the pur­pose of trans­plan­ta­tion; how­ev­er, in the event a donat­ed organ, eye, or tis­sue can­not be used for trans­plant, an effort will be made to use the dona­tion for research.
Non-Iowa Res­i­dents, click here to reg­is­ter now. 

Inscríbase como donante de órganos y tejidos.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.